Defiance is not a healthy thing -- the majority of the time.
Defiance is the instigator, the kid who throws a rock and hides his hand and sits to watch the melee, and is unleashed by the ego. The ego is a flabby, undisciplined mess that stares at shiny objects, craves instant gratification instantly and would rather be right and alone and unloved than happy with loving company. It is a dangerous pair: defiance and your ego. Each is willing to get the other arrested but neither will provide bail when needed.
If you don't understand if you're motivated by rational thought or defiance, your ego's henchman, consider paying attention to physiological clues. Racing heart rate, racing thoughts and flushed cheeks are a sure sign your adrenaline is pumping and you are about to act like a crazy fool. Defiance has come over to punch you in the face on the request of your ego.
If you don't understand why defiance may be a problem in your life, consider writing out a list of times at which you were defiant and how your actions were received. You might also want to look at yourself in the mirror and apologize.
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