Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Go hard or Take a Nap by Odilia Rivera-Santos

Rush rush American culture and prescription drugs

There is a prevalent idea in American culture that success can only be achieved through ignoring self-care, eating at your desk, not sleeping, not watching your children grow and in a constant state of supercaffeinatedness.
Many 'successful' people find themselves on multiple prescription medications due to their hectic schedules with no time to breathe or sit for a slow meal. Anxiety, depression and insomnia are some common issues for those who don't believe in their own abilities enough to sit still.

Lack of sleep, pushing your adrenals to their breaking point and seeing your kids' lives in pictures leads to a lot of dissatisfaction and a feeling of being on a treadmill in a dungeon when you were told you'd be taking a nice run in the park.

You earn to pay bills, buy nice furniture, go on vacation, but where is the joy in your vocation?
As a recovering workaholic who taught at two adult education programs, I can tell you there is little substance to a life that leaves little or no time for quiet contemplation. I lived on adrenaline and every minute of my day was accounted for.

The Digestion of Experience 

Imagine each day as it were a beautiful meal at a fine restaurant. There are many courses, each one more colorful than the last and the seasonings are varied and some even delicate. You eat the food with your hands while checking email, talking on the phone and don't stop between courses. Your mango lassi got swirled in your mouth with some basil thing with maybe some chicken in it or was it lamb?
This is the same thing as running from one activity to another --
Did you have any good conversations?
Was there someone who needed to sit with you and talk but you were running to the next experience?
How do you digest or process experience with no down time?
When someone said "Look how beautiful the sky looks today!" did you say, "Yeah" and start talking about your next business meeting?

Maybe, next time you feel you have to 'go hard,' you'll consider taking a nap and smelling the flowers.