Friday, February 15, 2013

Why would someone want to date you? by Odilia Rivera-Santos

There's nothing like a little self-assessment and self-awareness when you've nothing extravagant to do. We do Spring cleanings and periodically look through our belongings in the dead calm of winter to discard sweaters, hats and coats we no longer use, need or like. But we don't often look at our personalities as if it were a large closet and start plucking things from hangers and shelves.
At the close of a romantic relationship, a lot of people enjoy diagnosing a former lover. We listen to the stories with a sly smile. It is often the case that the teller sees him or herself as having been the better half of the relationship.
The flurry of adjectives and diagnoses gotten from pop psychology books and talk shows are all too predictable. Your ex was crazy and you were totally cool and never lost your temper.
Another angle would be to ask questions which would help with the evolutionary process from swamp thing to mature loving adult.
'Why would someone want to date me?'
'In what ways did I fail to be the real me in this relationship?'
'Was I honest about what kind of relationship I wanted?'
'Was I honest with my partner?'
'What are my best and worst qualities?
Using every experience to become a better person means you win. You'll show up as a better person in friendships, at work and in the most risky place there is: in love.

This could be an entertaining afternoon activity --  sorting through the personality characteristics you no longer want to use, need or like. And when you're done re-booting, ask yourself
'Why would someone want to date me?'

1 comment:

  1. there is an epidemic of people who are not capable of interpreting other human beings..thus not giving themselves a chance to couldn't have picked a better word with "evolutionary process"
